Factory Accident Claims
Claim 500 is one of the country’s leading injury claims specialists, helping thousands of people throughout the UK claim compensation through injuries suffered at work. Accidents and injuries can occur in any workplace, with factory accidents making up a large percentage of claims made.
It is down to every employer to ensure that they comply with the many statutory regulations put in place to safeguard the safety of their employees at all times – this applies to factories as it does in all work environments. If they fail to meet the standards set out that guarantee safe working practices and ensure that their premises are safe for work, they could be liable to receive factory compensation claims.
But what are safe working practices in factories? They include ensuring all floors are free from obstruction so as to avoid trips, keeping floors free of grease, oil and other slippery substances, making sure all machinery is safe and regularly maintained, keeping all toxic chemical substances safely contained and ensuring all employees are given the correct personal protective equipment (PPE) with which to work.
For all of these hazards to be avoided it is imperative that employers undertake stringent risk assessments. This involves making note of every potential hazard/risk in the factory and doing everything in their power to minimise any/all potential dangers, in line with health and safety legislation.
As well as doing this, employers must go through all the safety issues with an appropriate member of staff to ensure every area of work in the factory, and therefore each member of staff undertaking said job are as safe as possible. All of the findings should be recorded and regularly checked to ensure the appropriate measures are constantly in place to reduce any dangers.
Every single employee should receive the appropriate training to ensure that they know the safety procedures and all employers need to make sure that the correct rules and regulations are adhered to at all times. If these requirements are not met in full, and there is an accident that occurs as a result of this which injures an employee, the employee in question could make a factory compensation claim.
For any employee that is apprehensive about making a factory accident compensation claim, you need to be aware that it is your right to do so, and you cannot by law be fired as a result of making a claim against your employer. All employers should have insurance against any claims made by them by their employees, so do not be worried about pursuing a factory accident compensation claim.
So, if you have suffered an injury due to an accident at the factory in which you work, call Claim 500 now. We specialise in helping people who have suffered factory accidents caused by unsafe working practices and will ensure you get the very best advice and help throughout every stage of your claim. Call us on 08458 123 456 for a chat with an independent specialist or fill in our online form to start your claim as soon as possible.