Whiplash Claims
Claim 500 will help you make a claim for a range of different injuries caused by involvement in a car accident including whiplash, back injury and spinal injury.
Claims for whiplash and other related injuries are common and subject to certain rules. Claim 500 can help you work out if you can apply for compensation.
Symptoms of whiplash can affect people for weeks, months or years after the accident, making prompt treatment and the necessity to claim compensation more important.
They include:
- Neck pain
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Stiffness and restricted mobility affecting neck, shoulders and arms
In more severe cases people can also suffer from memory loss, concentration problems, tinnitus and depression.
Whiplash Injury Claim Advice
Claim 500 will help you make a whiplash claim today, or apply for compensation for back and spinal injuries.
Our experience in dealing with thousands of whiplash claims every year means we can assess whether you have a case, help you apply to the court for compensation and keep you informed and advised each step of the way.
For whiplash injury claim advice or to talk about other injuries you sustained as the result of a car accident, please speak to one of our claim handlers. If you decide to proceed they will help you with form filling and management of your claim to its conclusion.
You can get advice over phone or by filling out an online form for a call back. Based on our experience, we will be able to assess whether your whiplash, back injury or spinal injury claim can go ahead and you can make an informed decision.
Make a Whiplash Injury Claim Today!
If you give Claim 500 claims handlers a call now, or contact us via the online chat facility, we can assess whether you should go ahead and make a whiplash, back injury or spinal injury compensation claim today.
Your Claim 500 claims handler will do their best to help you claim compensation for your injuries and make the process run as smoothly as possible. We know the last thing you need after sustaining a whiplash injury is disruption and anxiety.
Claim 500 offers a consultation and whiplash injury claim advice when making a claim for whiplash, back or spinal injuries, even if you do not win compensation. Contact us now to find out more.